Thursday, May 24, 2012

County 67: Gibson

There’s no way to keep good news secret in a small town.  When I called Princeton Mayor Robert Hurst to tell him his city would be one of this year’s Stellar Communities, it didn’t take long for a full-fledge celebration to take shape.  The crowd, the banners and the excitement all reinforced that choosing Princeton was a good decision.  

Lt. Gov. Skillman names Princeton a 2012 Stellar Community.
The day before I was in Delphi to celebrate the city as a Stellar Community.  Like Princeton, the entire community came out to mark this special occasion, and for good reason. Princeton and Delphi are the only two cities in the state that will be part of the 2012 Stellar Community program – a program that will fund more than $20 million in projects over the next three years.  

Stellar Communities is about making state government effective and efficient by making it intentional and strategic.  Each city or town that applies for Stellar Communities submits a comprehensive report with complete strategic planning.  State agencies then coordinate and provide resources for the big picture, rather than funding isolated projects.  Princeton’s plans for the future will create an outstanding downtown and better quality of life for the entire community.  

I was impressed with the strong support Princeton has from the business community, and the leadership they are providing in celebrating local history.  The Bicentennial Plaza will set an example for the entire state as Princeton and Gibson County celebrate their 200th anniversaries, and Indiana celebrates its bicentennial in 2016.  

I look forward to watching Princeton’s plans take shape as state government works more efficiently and effectively to help put the city’s plan into action. 

You can read more about Stellar Communities on my website.  

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