Wednesday, May 2, 2012

County 60: Fountain

I couldn’t be more impressed with the changes in Attica’s downtown area.  I visited with local leaders to discuss the progress they have made with a downtown revitalization grant they received through OCRA’s Community Focus Fund (CFF) program.  

They have done a wonderful job of leveraging the funding and finding local matching dollars to make every penny count.  Thirteen downtown facades have been improved drastically, giving the downtown area a much-needed facelift and attracting new businesses.  

Thirteen of Attica's downtown facades have been improved
drastically, as seen in this before and after image.
I oversee a number of capacity building agencies.  These are agencies that help communities plan strategically and reach their development potential. The Office of Community and Rural Affairs (OCRA), the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority, the Office of Energy and other state agencies all distribute millions of dollars to communities every year. The money goes for projects ranging from planning grants to capital projects to neighborhood stabilization.

Attica’s use of state grant dollars have helped make their downtown an attractive hub for business and community events.  Coupled with Attica’s active Indiana Main Street group, the revitalized area will be a huge asset for the city’s continued development. 

I look forward to seeing other communities following Attica’s example of progress as I continue my Hoosier Crossroads Tour. 

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