Monday, April 16, 2012

County 51: Porter

As I walked in the door of Housing Opportunities, Inc., in Valparaiso I quickly learned of the humanitarian efforts offered by their organization. I read a sign that seemed to sum everything up perfectly: “We give a hand up not a hand out.” This philosophy was soon explained to me in detail as I had a chance to sit down with about 15 employees, including CEO Caroline Shook.   

Housing Opportunities, Inc., is an organization which provides comprehensive housing services including temporary, transitional, and permanent housing. They also work with the community to help prevent their clients from reusing their services. This is where their motto seemed to fit perfectly. In order to use their housing services there are requirements the clients must complete. The requirements include budgeting and credit training classes, obtaining training services and skills to succeed in the community and a 60 day limit for temporary housing.

Lt. Governor Skillman meets with Housing Oppportunities Inc.,
employees to discuss their assistance programs in Porter Co.

This organization is highly recognized in Northwest Indiana because they not only offer assistance to those in need, but they give them the tools to get back on their feet. 

Additionally during my time at Housing Opportunities, Inc., they showed me their on-site food pantry. It’s fully stocked and open two days a week to Porter County residents. Caroline told me that if they are in need of an item all they have to do is send out an alert to

local residents and the product is refilled almost instantly. She said they have tremendous support throughout the community.

I had a very informational meeting in Valparaiso learning about all the successes and even failures with our housing programs. I was able to bring back a wealth of knowledge and even a few suggestions for the legislature. 

I hope other organizations around the state will mimic a few of the initiatives being done by Housing Opportunities, Inc.

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