Monday, April 16, 2012

County 49: Tippecanoe

I spent several hours on campus at Purdue University for my Tippecanoe County visit, participating in the College of Agriculture’s Lessons in Leadership program. 
I arrived in time to sit down to lunch with Dean Jay Akridge and a group of students known as the Agriculture Ambassadors.  We had a lively discussion about the agriculture industry and what the future holds for the up-and-coming leaders around the table.
Next I spoke at a seminar, where a large group of faculty, staff and students gathered to hear my perspective on leadership and the lessons I have learned serving in public office.  I shared my experiences from my days as a local elected official, then as a State Senator and finally as Lt. Governor.
After I took questions from the students, I moved on to a meeting with a group of leaders from the College of Agriculture and Purdue’s network of Extension Offices.  I was eager to hear their thoughts about how state government can be a better partner in the future, and the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead for the University and the Extension staff. 
I finished my day at Purdue with a visit to an undergraduate class.  I encountered a talented group of upper-classmen who were studying controversial issues in agriculture.  I had a few words of wisdom to share with them about my experience dealing with the hot topics that come up in an industry with so much diversity.  There is no doubt that our agriculture industry will be in good hands when these students graduate and start learning their own first-hand lessons in leadership.

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