Thursday, August 2, 2012

County 78: Howard

Kokomo hosted the fourth and final 2012 Advancing Women in Business Seminar last week.  I was impressed by the size of the crowd - more than 100 women ready to listen, learn and talk business. 
It’s always been one of my priorities to seek out other women and encourage them to step into leadership roles.  Whether it’s business, or politics and government, it’s always been important to encourage more women to get in the game. 

Lt. Governor Skillman talks to a Hoosier in Kokomo
at the Women in Business Seminar

During my 12 years in the Indiana Senate serving in leadership, I often tried to recruit women to run for open seats.   All too often, the highly-talented women would tell me they were not qualified.   When I talked to men about the same opportunities, to their credit, they think they were born qualified!  It’s an issue of confidence. 

But there was no lack of confidence as I listened to Penny Lee, Vice Chancellor at IU Kokomo.  She brought her daughters with her, and as she spoke about the new programs on campus, I couldn’t help thinking of the wonderful service she and her colleagues are doing for Indiana’s next generation of leaders. 

It’s more important than ever that you encourage the women around you to do their best and to be confident.  Because Indiana needs every one of us to do our part – so we can put an end to difficult economic times and take advantage of every opportunity to grow.  In Howard County, we just announced that Haynes International is moving forward with plans to expand its operations and create 40 new, high-paying jobs.  This is a company that has been part of the Kokomo community for 100 years now, and they’ve learned from experience to put faith in the workforce here. 

The young people in the audience might well be the next wave of brain power to develop companies, like Haynes, and the so many others that keep us moving forward.  It’s up to each of us to do all we can to build more opportunities like that, and then be prepared to jump on them when the time is right.  I know Kokomo’s women in business are doing just that. 

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