Friday, March 16, 2012

County 40: Franklin

I’ve traveled across Indiana many times as lieutenant governor and have seen most of what Indiana has to offer. Still, it was a surprise to me that more people visit Franklin County’s recreational areas than any other state parks except Brown County.

When I was in Brookville last week, I met with local leaders to discuss how the county can capitalize on all the visitors to Brookville Lake. Being close to the state line, Franklin County draws visitors from both Indiana and Ohio. As I discussed in regards to Brown County, this can pose challenges of services provided, such as first responders and trash clean-up.

But county officials are currently working on ways to try to get guests to not just visit Franklin County for a day, but stick around for awhile. Hotels or other attractions could do just that, and the state will work with the county as ideas develop.

As the head of the Office of Tourism Development, it’s exciting to see big plans in their earliest stages. I think Franklin County has a lot of potential for growth, and I’m pleased that leaders in the community are trying to make their corner of the state a better place.

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