Wednesday, February 15, 2012

County 34: Boone

The Hoosier Crossroads Tour came to Boone County last week, after nearly eight months of traveling the state, but I have been talking about the good things happening there since the very beginning of my Tour.

A month ago, I released my preliminary findings from the meetings I’ve had with local elected officials. Those meetings always include a frank discussion of how we can move forward on local government efficienies, and it’s impossible to have that conversation without turning to Boone County and specifically to Zionsville.

The Town of Zionsville and two townships were the state’s first local government consolidation, and it was completely voluntary. Local leaders succeeded in consolidating services, eliminating a layer of government and preserving the best possible services for urban and rural areas alike. Although some issues remain, Zionsville’s action is proof that any Hoosier community can take action to make government more efficient and effective. It makes sense that local elected officials statewide are always eager to hear more about Zionsville’s leadership.
I enjoyed witnessing the proactive movement of officials from Advance, Jamestown, Whitestown, Lebanon, Zionsville, and Boone County government.

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