Friday, October 28, 2011

County 20: Delaware

A shiny new red locomotive stretches from one end of the former Westinghouse/ABB plant to the other as a crowd gathers around it. This impressive sight was not staged for anyone’s entertainment, but rather it was the centerpiece of a celebration marking economic achievement.

Lt. Governor Skillman speaks at the locomotive unveiling
ceremony for Progress Rail in Muncie

Last week I spoke to an excited audience as Progress Rail unveiled the first two locomotives built at their new Muncie facility. Governor Mitch announced last year that Progress Rail chose Indiana over other states, and we’re glad to see much-needed jobs come to fruition in East Central Indiana.

Progress Rail, a subsidiary of Caterpillar, had plenty of options to expand around the country, but they chose to grow here in Indiana. The state was a proud partner in this investment, but we also collaborated with local business and community leaders to make this possible in Muncie. 

We’re pleased to see Progress Rail growing and competing in Indiana’s world-class manufacturing industry. Manufacturing has always been one of Indiana’s strengths, and we like high paying jobs that accompany advanced manufacturing operations. We treat every sector as an economic development tool for the entire state. That strategy has proven effective as we’ve secured commitments for more than 17, 550 jobs and more than $2.3 billion in investments so far in 2011.

Nothing makes us happier than businesses that find a home in Indiana, grow in Indiana, and stay in Indiana. We look forward to many more locomotives chugging out of Muncie for years to come.

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