Wednesday, September 7, 2011

County 9: Hancock

While in Greenfield, I found myself surrounded by pigs and the family of farmers that cares for them. As Indiana’s Secretary of Agriculture this is not an unusual day for me. In fact, I enjoyed rolling up my sleeves, getting my hands a little dirty, and experiencing Indiana agriculture with the Hill family. 

Lt. Governor Skillman tours one
of the hog barns at the Hill
Family Farm in Greenfield with
one of the Hill children.

Marc and Heather Hill were named Pork Producers of the Year in 2010. These outstanding pork producers are also currently going through our Certified Livestock Producer Program. More than 50 Indiana farmers have completed this voluntary program, and have demonstrated their commitment to the industry’s best practices (environmental practices, animal well-being, food safety, biosecurity, emergency planning and being a good neighbor).

The Hill family is also teaching the fifth generation all that they know about farming. Their three young children are already excited about agriculture (they couldn’t get their youngest little girl away from the pigs). And their son couldn’t wait to show me their new climate-controlled barn. Here is a video of him explaining to me how the water system works.

Read more about the Certified Livestock Producer Program here,

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