Tuesday, August 23, 2011

County 5: Kosciusko

The first rule of traveling is flexibility.  I learned that lesson yet again during my trip to Kosciusko County, where I met with another group of outstanding local leaders – and a little bad weather.

Missy Cook (left) and Kelly Britton (right) give
the Lt. Governor a tour of Giverny Fitness
Studio in Warsaw.  
My afternoon visit to the Louis Dreyfus biodiesel plant unfortunately had to be canceled due to our air travel issues.  I was looking forward to seeing this impressive facility again, after speaking at the plant’s grand opening several years ago.  It is an important economic driver for Claypool, Kosciusko County and for all of Indiana. 

Thanks to the investment of this fine company, our state has of the world’s largest biodiesel and soybean crushing operations – and an ongoing national leadership role in renewable energy.

Things ran according to plan in the morning, however, and I was able to meet with local elected leaders and to tour Giverny Fitness in Warsaw.  Giverny completed its main street remodel project with grant dollars from our Office of Community and Rural Affairs, and they have created a three-story fitness center that has given local residents an attractive and useful resource.

Giverny is a great success story in many ways. Not only was the state proud to partner in turning a downtown eyesore into a beautiful space, but the gym is now a thriving business. Two entrepreneurs – women in business, if you will – are creating jobs and helping people live a healthy lifestyle.

I look forward to seeing many more projects like this in the coming months. 

I’ll be traveling again soon, so keep checking in for more notes from the road!

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